Monthly Newsletter April 2020
COVID-19 continues staying global danger in the world.
In this tense situation, we are trying to find ways to keep the shelter open. Several programs of the foundation still have been suspended.
- Easter was celebrated at ALCF center. As public events are banned to stop the COVID-19 pandemic and the residents couldn’t take part in a liturgy, they prayed at our chapel, the children played Easter Egg Hunt, then delicious Easter table was set for them.
- April 24th is the day Armenians commemorate the victims of Armenian Genocide, the most tragic element of Armenian history. On that day in honor of the Armenian Genocide victims, the residents prepared a symbolic flash mob titled “I Remember and Demand.”
- Flash mob titled “I Remember and Demand”
- Celebrating Anahit’s birthday
In the frame of “Sponsor a family” program we continue distributing monetary assistance to families in dire need. These families now need Your generous donations more than ever.
- Receiving a monetary assistance
As the number of officially registered coronavirus cases in the country rose, we remained in quarantine. In the country only a limited number of employees will be allowed to go to work. Many of Post Shelter’s residents don’t work, and those who could work remained at home for the health and safety of the shelter’s residents.
At the beginning of the month, we decided to buy food for the post shelter families while they stay in their homes as their money depleted. Then we decided to bring them all back to the shelter’s main building to save the cost of the utilities that we had to pay.
We need your help to be able to keep our shelter open and take care of the shelter residents.
- The residents in the gym
- All the people who stand by our side during those difficult days and continue to support the foundation with their donations.
- Natali Pharm for ongoing donation of milk, yogurt, juice, tea and other food items.
- Daily Care, Inc and Arpi, Inc. Home Health Care Service for donating 11 electric wheel chairs for Armenia.
- Armenian Ladies of New Zeeland for their monetary donation.
- Dr Hagop and Lucy Dikranian, Anna Der Parsekhian, Hampar and Sima Karageozian, Raffi and Tahlene Gourdikian, and Seta Nahas for their support in 2020 as pillars.
- We thank Sam Kanawati of Saga Made in Italy for his generous clothing donations.