Monthly Newsletter November 2014


We are always in service to the needy and the underprivileged. The pleas for the assistance from underprivileged families and Syrian refugees were multiplied in November. As the New Year gets close, people’s needs grow. We fulfilled a lot of letters of request. Lists of extended families from the communities who needed clothes, shoes, baby food, bags, toys and other necessary items. We gave to needy families wheelchairs, walkers and bedside toilets for their handicap members.

We are happy to say that this month we helped two women from neighboring communities make a living with wedding gown remnants. To decorate bridal halls, tables, candles and make wedding favors.

 We were able to help another woman from a border village by giving her faux jewelry. She exchanges the jewelry for food with the villagers and feed her children.

As you can see nothing is wasted from your donations…..


This month we have visited two villages of Shirak region: Hatsik and Karmrakar. Our staff came back with a full heart, seeing our brothers and sisters live in extreme poverty. Karmrakar has only 28 family inhabitance who are all very needy. There is only one place in the village from where they can take their drinking water. We distributed  a lot of warm clothes, boots, toys  and other items of necessity to them.

We gave aid to Armavir region soldiers as well.



 We have decorated our facility, and organized a party for the residents celebrating the coming Christmas. As well as we had two birthday parties. Our residents danced, organized different games and had fun.

This month “hot line’s” calls /20-80 free of charge/ have increased tremendously. Five new girls with their children were taken in and three residents were released. Our volunteer gynecologist, general doctor and dentists continue visiting us regularly. Our Therapist works with our girls and their children. What we are trying to achieve is sense of individuality and usefulness to build their self-esteem and self-worth, and become active members of the society. Myradoon is where they live get strong and learn a profession, which they could later use to make a living.

Thanks to your donations we were able to continue our “Sponsor a family”, “Bible Study” and “Feed the Elders” programs in 2014. At the end of the year we are almost depleting from the funds for “Feed the Elders”.  Please help us keep this program ongoing.  $100 will help us feed thirty-five elders once a week.



Please make your heartfelt, end of year donations, on line or send a check to:


ALCF   P.O. Box 3595 Seal Beach, California 90740 

USA   Ph # 562.598.8025

Fax # 562.598.7958 

Armenia ph# 374-91-32-78-34

 Address in Armenia:  ArmavirMarz, Ptghunk Village, Vartanatz 1  
