Monthly newsletter July 2016


July was an extremely busy month for ALCF. Our founders came to Armenia!!! And every day since they arrived, they have been striving to make the life of the Shelter residents more interesting and productive through new programs and initiatives.
Our deepest gratitude to all those who visited us and donated funds and other necessities. Our guests have a very positive effect on our Residents. They stop thinking about their problems and feel loved and cared for.



Myradoon is  full of life. Our residents are always busy. During sewing lessons  ZepureOhannessian from OC  came to our center and taught our residents how to paint on cloth. They painted lots of items for themselves.
As soon as our founders came to Armenia they organized baptism ceremony.   We celebrated the baptism of twelve  people: Children with their mothers and grandmothers.


The staff of ALCF  has a busy  schedule . They went 7 villages in different regions of Armenia and distributed humanitarian aid: clothings, shoes, toys, walkers.We received a lot of letters of requests, list of extended families from the communities who need clothes, shoes, bags and other necessary items. We continue to help Syrian refugees who come to our doors. Seta Ghazarian /founder/ gives special attention and extra aid to Syrian refugees as they have come to Armenia with nothing.



  • We celebrated our 10th anniversary of being registered as a charitable foundation in Armenia. One of our residents surprised us with flowers and cake with champagne for the celebration.
    We are grateful to our Lord that we have such girls that never forget God’s blessings through us.
  • Leo Manuelian and Tikran Sahakyan from Knights of Vartan Bakradouny Lodge together with many other young voluntaries collected and packed and shipped from New York 20 foot container to ALCF. We are grateful to God first and then to our Armenian communities for all they do for our homeland.

Our gratitude goes to

  • Our volunteer General Doctor Suzan Onanyan, Gynecologist Yeva Torosyan and the dentist Armine of Lux- Med dental clinic who continue their charity work,by providing a much needed medical and dental care to our residents ,and their children in our shelter.
  • Natali Pharm for donating organic Hipp baby food for our children enough, and extra to distribute to the needy
We are an open Shelter, Please come and visit our facility.
Make your donations to where it counts, and make a difference in the lives of our residents…
Please make your heartfelt donations, on line or send a check to:
ALCF  PO Box 3595 Seal Beach California 90740 USA   P 562.598.8025   F 562.598.7958
Armenia P 374-93-32-78-34 or 374-43-500-503 Armavir Marz, Ptghunk Village, Vartanatz 1